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Welcome to my Journey


I am using this site to keep track of my lifestyle changes, health and weight loss efforts. It's a journal where I can write about my struggles and successes. I welcome encouragement because I need all that I can get. I am planning to post my picture every 6 weeks so you can follow along with my weight loss. I want to lose over 160 pounds. This is not a sight about selling any type of product for weight loss or anything else. This sight is for me and about me and you are welcome to follow my journey. It will be a LONG journey but one well worth the effort..

My name is Teresa. I am 43-year-old, married to the man of my dreams, Robert for 12 years. We have three children (22, 21 and 19). I have been overweight for most all of my life. I did lose down to 165 pounds once in my life when I was 22 years old and that was the best year of my life but like most of us I put every pound back on, plus more. I do not like being overweight, it does not make me happy in any way. I hate taking pictures! And most of the pictures that I do have I look like a GIANT standing next to whoever is in the picture with me. And at 5'9" and 340 pounds that is quite a lot of ME!!! My grandmother always told me that I would be so pretty if I could lose some weight. Maybe it is time that I found out it that is true.


My main incentive for losing weight is that everything is falling apart. A year ago I had surgery to remove a mass under my knee cap. Luckly nothing was up with it.. but it delayed my walking and started my journey back up in weight. To top it all off about 3 months ago I hurt my back. My doctor said I have a bulging disk in the lumbar. I can't remember which one but I do know that it hurts every single day. If I walk over 6000 steps pain starts shooting down my hips and legs. But I am determined not to die at an early age. I want to have my mobility for my older years. I don't want to develop diabeties like my mom. I don't want the high blood pressure and so many other illness that go along for the ride when you are over weight. I want to have a great life and not worry if I will fit in an air plane seat. I don't want to be out of breath from walking in the park. I know that I have to make a change now. I also know that I have to make a permanent change in my lifestyle to lose this weight and to keep it off for the rest of my life. I believe that I can do this with the help of my Family, friends, and this site. For everyone who writes in my guest book, I want to thank you now. On some days that little note that you leave for me is the only thing that keeps me a going. I wish everyone who reads this the best of luck on what ever goals you are trying to reach. I know that I will never stop reaching for the Stars & for a Healthier Life.

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