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Teresa's 2004 Journal

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May, 6 2004
You know I am the worlds worst at updating my journal. There just seems to be so much going on in life that I don’t want to take the time. I wanted to bring you all up to date on how I am doing. I am still losing but at a much slower rate then I would like. I did do the Dr. Phil plan for 1 week and it worked beautifully but I was unable to stick to it for 2 weeks. How sad is that!! I am still losing but I am beginning to feel more like a yo-yo!! Here are my missing weight reports.

April 16~ 6.25 pounds loss for a new weight of 308.25(Dr. Phil)
April 13~ 1.50 pounds gained. 309.75 weight
April 30~ 2.25 pounds loss for a new low weight of 307.25

I am not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow since I am 100% positive that I will have a gain. I am so frustrated but I just cannot seem to stick to it. My hubby on the other hand is blowing me away!! He is losing weight left and right!! Of course, he is eating good and working out at the gym almost every day. I wish I could find a pill that gave me his energy!! I am just so tired all the time!! I did go to the Dr about it and he ran tons of tests. The results… everything is normal!! No thyroid problem, no diabetics, no cholesterol problems!! Healthy, healthy, healthy!!!! The only thing he did run across is something called Uric Acid, which was too high… I am on a medication for it now and he is hoping that it might help “perk” me up but so far no luck!! I am tired of being tired!!

April 13, 2004
I just wanted to post my update from last Friday 4/9. I lost ˝ a pound for a weight of 314.5! I am not happy about still being heavier then the goal that I have set for my self but I also feel that I will catch up if I get back on program and stick to it.

Today I have started the Dr. Phil’s Rapid start program. I am so excited and it really is quite a bit of food to eat. I know on the show on Monday that some of the people who have been following his program comment that the rapid start program really helps you to lose your cravings. I hope that is true because I am tired of craving things that are bad for my body. I still need to go through the house and create my “no fail” environment. I feel a feel guilty about depriving the boys from their sugary cereals and snacks and cookies. My youngest son just loves to make cookies and sweets and I am thinking about tossing his stuff!! OH MY!! My mom even made the comment the other day that it wasn’t fair for me to deprive the kids :(

I am also going to create a cabinet in our kitchen that is full of healthy choices for us to have for snacks. I have purchased crackers that do not have Tran fatty acids in them and they are a multi grain. They are new from Kashi. YUMMY!! LOL Of course I can’t have them for the first two weeks of this program but I can at a later date. If anyone is following Dr. Phil’s program I would love to hear from you!! OH, I almost forgot to let you know… I am now eating 5 meals a day. I have found that I feel so much better on this type of program. My blood sugar swings are not as sever. I had scheduled an appointment with my Dr for this week because I was feeling so bad.. but as soon as I started back to eating 5 meals a day I all ready feel better… so I called and cancelled :)

If you are on a weight loss journey.. Don’t let anything or anyone one get in your way!! Whether you need to lose 200 pounds or just 5 pounds I know we can all do it!! I want so badly to be a healthy person. See ya on Friday with a new update!!
Hugs to all,

April 6, 2004
“My husband has always been crazy about me, even though I'm shorter, louder, curvier, angrier and occasionally hairier than the ideal.”
--from the Body Image & Self-Esteem message board

Hey guys, I am still here!!! I am doing pretty good with my weight but I did have a huge gain this past week. I blame it all on water thought!! Hehehe To get you caught up here are my past Friday weights that I have not posted.
3/19 Excused- Out of town
3/26 309.50 ~ 5 pounds loss
4/2 315 ~ 5.50 pounds gained!!

Ok that catches us up to date!! The good news is I was the three month best loser in my TOPS chapter with a loss of 27.50 pounds!! I can’t tell you how proud I am of that. I am still determined to lose 2 pounds a week until I reach my goal of losing over 100 pounds for this year. I am a bit behind at this point but I know that I will reach my average. And I was also elected leader for the next 12 months!! I don't know what my TOPS chapter was thinking!! :)

Changing the way we think~
I have noticed myself the past couple of weeks slipping back into bad habits.. My worse one is skipping meals and not eating. My head keeps telling me that if I do not make time to eat that I will lose weight faster but my body says W-R-O-N-G. When I stop eating 5-6 small meals a day my metabolism seems to shut down and holds on to every ounce of fat and water weight available. My hubby has been pushing me to eat properly and not to skip meals. He is such a HUGE blessing in my life in keeping me on track and motivated. As some of you know I suffer from PMDD which basically means that I have huge mood swings that at times make me want to just hide myself in the house and see no one and go no where and other times I just can’t seem to stop crying because my feelings are so easily hurt. I have been struggling with this for many years but it was only in the past 5 years that someone finally put a label on what is going on. I had reached an all time low and I had felt that I was barley coping. I actually went to counseling by myself with out even telling my hubby because I felt so desperate. My counselor managed to convince me to go to my Doctor and talk to him. (I did not want to see my Dr because I was afraid of he would just labeled me as “Depressed” which I wasn’t!! LOL Because I was happy!! ROFL) I can’t tell you how happy I was when he told me about PMDD and that I had all of the symptoms and that it was easily treatable. I kick myself now for waiting so long!!! :) OK now to make a long story short… I seem to go through times that I am on cloud nine and other times where I feel like I am the fattest, ugliest, most unloveable person on the earth. These are the times that I struggle the most because I manage to convince myself that I am not worth the effort to eat healthy and work out. I have to FORCE myself to leave the house because I feel that I am being a bad mom for sacrificing time that I should be taking care of my husband and kids. I have been looking for away to better cope during these times but I haven’t found it quite yet. (Any suggestions please send my way!! LOL You can always email me at OnePersonsJourney@sbcglobal.net )

I know before that daily journaling was one of the tools that I used before but I keep coming up with excuses not to do that. I hope that I can start keeping maybe a written journal each day that might help me see the pattern before it hits me in the face and I feel so hopeless.

Well I ended up writing a full page of stuff that I really never inteded to share with anyone!! LOL I guess I have two choices.. Delete this entry and start over or just publish all my dirty laundry for the world to see…

March 12, 2004
“Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future”
Fly Like An Eagle
by: Seal

I think that this song is exactly how I feel!! It is amazing to me how quickly time flies by. I am happy to report that I had another loss today at TOPS of 2.50 pounds for a new weight of….. 314.50 pounds!! Woo Hoo!!! So far for this year I am down 22.50 pounds!! This means I am right on my goal of losing 2 pounds per week!! And amazingly, it has not really been very hard. I am just doing my darned to eat healthy! I have been reading a new book that has really hit home with me and I would like to share it with yall.

Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating
by Walter C. Willett, M.D., with P.J. Skerrett; contributions by Edward L. Giovannucci, M.D., D.Sc.; and recipes by Maureen Callahan

I would stay STOP reading whatever diet book you have in your hands right now and read this book first. Then go back to reading that diet book. This book will place the word “DIET” in a completely new light!! I am NO longer dieting, I am now eating healthy and making better choices. I am reading labels and if it says, “trans fatty acids” on it, either goes out in the trash or it doesn’t enter my house!! This book runs about $15 new at your local Hastings bookstore. They will also order if for you at no additional cost if you ask. In addition, if you are thrifty like me you will look in their “reduced/bargain” book section first! I found mine there for only $3.99!! LOL and what was funny is that I had them order it for me and I had gone to pick it up. So I had this book in my hands when I found the same identical book in the bargain book section for much, much less. So add this book to your list of books to borrow or purchase now!!!

After you read it let me know if it changes your way of thinking as much as it did mine.

I am headed off to get my work-out at Curves and then off to the Body works gym to do a little weight lifting and to tan!! Life is great!!

February 2004 Journal

Feb. 20, 2004
I have come a long ways since the beginning of this month!! I managed to kick it up into high gear after my sorry start. I am happy to report that as of today’s weigh in at TOPS that I now weigh 317.5!! Woo Hoo!! I all ready feel so much better then ever before. I am determined to keep eating healthy and to keep reaching new lower weights. I can not wait until I reach under 300 pounds!! I am now down 17.5 pounds since my starting weight at the first of the year. I know I can lose it!! I have made some huge changes! As you know I now go to curves 3 to 5 times a week and as of last week, I joined our local gym and I am doing pilates there 3 times a week. Whew!! I have never been so sore!! I am also going to work out once a week on either my upper body or lower body. I am starting out slow since weight loss is my main concern but I really want to firm up this body as I go so I will not have a ton of sagging skin. My mood has also been lifted along with the weigh loss. I am just on cloud nine all the time. I just wanted to get out a quick post to let you guys know how I am doing. Sorry it has been so long since my last update.

Feb. 4, 2004
This week has been terrible!!! I have been craving carbs so bad!! I had a really hard time this weekend staying on program especially since my family all wanted snacks for the Super Bowl game!! I should of never of gave in. I had chips and dip, crackers and cheese. Then on Monday, all I did was eat. I didn’t tell anyone this but I ate a whole box Krispy Kreams donuts all by myself!! I am not very proud of myself. I am back on program today but my weight is really up there!! I keep praying that I will lose the weight before my weigh in on Friday but I really don’t think it is possible. I have decided to forgive myself and move on. One day at a time.. right??

January 2004 Journal
A New Start!!

Jan 30, 2004
TOPS Weigh in 324.25 for a loss of 4.50 pounds!! Woo Hoo!!!!

Jan 25, 2004
This has been your typical weekend for me, nothing new in my life. I did do my Pilates exercise video yesterday and I will do it again tonight. I did notice last night that my abs were a bit sore! I haven’t felt my abs in so long that I forgot that I even had any!! LOL I have been sticking to the food program and counting my carbs. I am trying to stick under 20 carbs for the rest of this week then they will be raised to about 40-60. It hasn’t been too hard since I love eggs, protein & cheese. I have also been eating more veggies and fruit then normal so I am doing fantastic!! I just wanted to post a quick note to let ya know I am sticking to it!!

Jan 23, 2004
I did it!! I had another loss!! My new weight is 328.75 for a loss of 3.75 pounds. I was kinda hoping for more.. LOL But I am extremely pleased!! I am very much so on track for my goal of losing 2 pounds per week. Woo Hoo!!

After my weigh in I did go to Curves for my workout and boy I was tired!! I also wore my shorts out today!! Heheh Last time I went to curves I thought I was going to burn up so I decided shorts is the way to go!! I just wish I could find a wrap around skirt to keep my legs warm from the car to there. I hate sweats because I have to take off my shoes! I am so lazy :) Any suggestions anyone?? Perhaps I can make my own. I will have to just keep an eye out.

Well today is my free day so I did have BK Whopper for lunch and tonight I will be sharing 1 large pizza with my family of 5. I will only be having two slices and then back on tomorrow morning!! I am determined to keep losing!! I just wanted to post right away this time and not wait a week before I let yall know how I did at my weigh in!! Have a great weekend!!

Jan 22, 2004
This update is for Tina V., Celeste & Lori M. who always remind me to update and to stay on track!! Thank you guys!! You all mean the world to me!

Good morning!! I have spent most of this week updating my website. I have removed all of the Archived Journals except for last years because I needed the extra space so I can keep updating my website. I was a little disappointed in having to take them down but it also kinda felt like a fresh start and I really needed that also.

Sorry I didn’t update my Friday’s weigh-in last week. But I do have good news… I had a loss!!! I weighed in at 332.2 for a loss of 4.50 pounds!! Woo Hoo!! I can’t tell you how excited I was!! In fact I was so excited that Friday after my weigh-in I decided that instead of hitting McDonalds to celebrate on the way home I would stop by Curves to check it out. I really like it. It is a 30 minute exercise program. I have gone two times this week so far. I am really excited to finally find an exercise that I don't feel I am too fat to do :) And they are very nice to me at the Curves. I asked her If I would break the machines since I am over 300 pounds and she assured me that she has a 400 pound lady working out and she does just fine. LOL That really made me feel better!! Our Curves is only open Monday - Friday so that works out good for me because I don't have to feel guilty about not working out over the weekends. I didn't feel like getting out of the house yesterday so I put in a pilates tape and worked out at home!! Felt good to do stretches!! I have to do that more often. I feel like since I have gained this weight that I have lost alot of mobility and I am hoping that through exercise I will get it back along with dropping these pounds. :)

I am looking forward to Tomorrow!! I am crossing my fingers that I have had a loss!! LOL I know that I DESERVE one :) You can do it too!!!

Jan 15, 2004
Hey guys, I know it has almost been a week since I last up dated and I promised myself that I would update more often. I am still going strong on my weight loss program and I am looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow. I haven’t been doing as well as I would like to but I am still struggling to take those baby steps that are necessary to keep going forward. I have pretty much tossed Body for Life out the window since I don’t seem to be willing to make the changes necessary to do it justice. I did start reading Dr. Phil’s book an I am looking forward to learning more about the 7 steps. I do feel that my weight loss is mental. There has to be something that is keeping me from making progress. I am hoping that this will help me break out of the rut I have been in the past 2 years. Is anyone following his program?? I would love to hear others stories. Please email me and let me know if you are.

I also have seemed to lose my incentive to join Curves. I don’t know if it is the money or what but it just doesn’t appeal to me at the moment. But, I do know that I need to do at least 1 hour of exercise 3 to 4 times a week and I hope to be starting that very soon. I am doing exercise now but it is more like 15-30 minutes worth. I am not giving up.. just re-vamping :)

I also wanted to let yall know that I am re doing my website. So far I have changed my home page and you might notice a few pages missing along with quite a few graphics. It turns out that I have reached my max allowance at Ivillage and I need to start deleting some of my old journals. I will probably be deleting the first year that I journal in the next week or two. So if you want to re read anything, you better hurry. So please forgive the on going mess for a bit. Updating and changing my journal is very time consuming and not something that I enjoy. I will be glad when it is finished!! I will report in tomorrow how I did at my TOPS meeting.

Jan 9, 2004
I had my TOPS weigh in this morning and I about flipped when I had a gain. I know I lost weight this week but I guess I have not quite caught up with my last weigh-in with TOPS. I did have a gain of 2 pounds so I am back up to my all time high of 337. I am not looking at this as a negative but as a starting weight. Since this is my first weight for the year then I will look forward from this point to losing weight each week. At my TOPS meeting one of our contest ended and I won!! Woo Hoo!! I received Dr. Phill McGraw’s book “The ultimate Weight Solution. Food Guide” as a prize. I am so excited as I love to read and learn. After my TOPS meeting, I made my normal trip to our local Sams Club and I was even happier when I noticed that they had Bill Phillip’s new book “Eating for Life”. I just love Sams prices!! I paid $21 for a book that would of cost me $35 at my local book store!! This book has some fantastic ideas on meals to eat and I need all the help I can get.

I am still struggling with completing my exercises each day. You would not think that taking 30 minutes out of my day would NOT be so difficult but for some reason I am just not making time for me. Any suggestions on how to make exercise more fun?? I always need new ideas.

Jan 7, 2004
I did great yesterday except that I kept forgetting to eat. I did plan my meals out but I only ate 3 meals instead of my planned 6. OH well I will keep trying. I did my exercises for the first time last night OMG it was so hard!! I managed to do 10 pushups, 7 sit-ups, 40 squats and I forgot to do my arm lifts. Today is aerobics!! Well sort of aerobics… I think I will do either my yoga tape or my 1-mile walking with Leslie tape :)

I also wanted to correct something. I am following a “Modified Body for Life Plan” In fact it is probably more modified then BFL. I didn’t want to confuse anyone. If you are interested in the Body for Life plan I would recommend purchasing his book. Body for Life by Bill Phillips. He also has a new book that I really want to purchase. I believe it is called Eating for Life.

Jan 5, 2004
I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I made it though my first day!! I can’t tell you how badly I wanted a chocolate candy!! But I managed to resist, with NO help from my kids. They all got chocolate in there stockings including mine which I added to their stash. Do you think they could just go some where and eat there chocolate with out me having to see them! NO, they have to come to the kitchen and eat it at the table!

I did pretty good with my food today. I had Kashi cereal with ˝ banana & about 8 raisins for breakfast. Lunch was 2 eggs with 2 oz of ham, slice of toast and ˝ apple. Supper was chicken with green beans, corn and an orange. For a snack I had a cup of hot chocolate protein drink!! YUMMY!! I guess I did get my chocolate but the good kind. Now if I can just stay out of the candy tomorrow while the kids are at school….. I am also planning to exercise three times a week at home. I have a pretty simple plan for this month. I want to build up to 100 sit ups, 100 pushups, 100 squats and 100 arm lifts. (you do these laying on your tummy with your arms to your side like a T. You put a 1 pound can in each hand and lift your arms up toward the sky. NOT easy!! I know I will not be able to start out doing that many at first but that is my goal to reach by Jan 31. My hubby and son are also doing the same thing. It is fun to watch them!!

Jan 4, 2004
Good Morning World!! I am back!! Tomorrow will be the start of my brand new life!! BECAUSE I AM TIRED OF THE OLD ONE!! I have officially reached my highest weight ever!! I will be starting my new journey at 335 pounds, which was my last weigh in of they year at my TOPS chapter. I am determined to make some changes in the new year!! I can not stand carrying this much extra weight around!! My first goal will be 299 pounds and I know I can do it!! Today is clean out day!! I am tossing all that JUNK that calls my name and replacing it with healthy foods. I am planning to go back to the Body for Life program since I feel that is what worked best for me in the years past. If I can find my camera, I will take some new pictures also. I am also planning to get my hubby to measure me so I will have some sort of way to measure my progress besides my all time high weight!! I am NOT looking forward to taking pictures!! LOL I have reached that “I hate pictures” stage of my life again. I always do when my weight is so high! I am going to try really hard to stop looking at the past and to focus on the future. I have debated on taking down my old journals and starting a fresh but I haven’t decided yet. I will have to start removing something since I am to the point that I have pretty much maxed out my storage with the Ivillage site so if you notice pictures missing you know what is going on.

To all of you who have stuck around on my update list though out low times… I just wanted to tell you all a very special THANK YOU!! You are why I have not given up my journal all together.

Happy New Year and God Bless.

Teresa in Texas

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