8 Weight Loss Tips

    As you know weight loss is a struggle for me each day!! I have several personal tips that have helped me out a lot.

    1. Never give up!!! If you lose only 20 pounds a year you will still reach your goal weight over time. Which has to be a lot better then "gaining" each year!!

    2. Drink water!! Give up the coke and ice tea and everything else. I find if I only drink what it makes a big difference in my weight loss!! Read my webpage on Water... It might help

    3. Join a support group or find a support buddy who will email you each day!!! I am thinking about setting up a webpage to others who are looking for a buddy to find each other.

    4. Exercise!! This one is very difficult for me. But It doesn't take much. You can Walk it is the cheapest and one of the best forms of exercise. Same thing as before find a buddy. There is always someone wanting to lose weight or get healthier, try a family member or friend.

    5. Keep a food diary. Write down everything that goes in your mouth. Make sure that you are eating. Make sure you are not eating foods that might be sabotaging your diet. Also write down your feeling for the day and how you felt when you were eating your meal or snack or "naughty foods".

    6. Find what your weakness is and work on it one day at a time. Mine is overeating. I am trying to share a meal with my co-worker at work. It has helped a lot. I am also working on learning that I do NOT have to "clean my plate" when I eat. These are really tough for me and are part of the reason that I am overweight today!!

    7. Keep your stress level low. Try to change your life (I quit working and now work at home) Try Yoga!! Walking!! Or just taking time for your self (I have mommy time out in my house) I go to my room and shut the door and no one will bother me for about 20 minutes.

    8. This is one that I am still working on but everything I have read has said that if you visualize your self thin and doing the things necessary to reach your weight loss goals. Give it a try!!!

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